Wine and its culture in georgia
By Rukhadez Maïa from gorgia
Rukhadze Maia
WINE was Georgia’s so
urce of economic strength, that’s why, when the enemies started invading, they first started to cut the wine down to weaken the country‘s economics strength and the culture is associated with the churi head and cellar. The mythological face of the tree in Georgia. Wine is a product, which is only obtainable from sweet grapes and complete durdo or with a litte bit of alcohol. it is like a living creature which has stages and features of development .it is turned brown before its mature to process the raw materials into wine, then it is being used and at last it dies. when the wine is produced, there is a biological process going around And its cultivated
Its dominant in the aging period and its phisichal and chemichal process is quiet slow intensive .
We can also mention that after wine is poured in the wine bottle, it doesn’t change any single mineral element until it dies it changes only its mixture form, they are mostly staying with salt and ions to another elements in the wine.
There are a lot of important ancient figures such as: Apolon Roduseli and porfile kesarieli. in their own products
they mention their products as a country which was the fist country to use wine, there are some sources in Greece which are protected about Georgian wine history in soiarsul and in Georgian sources, Kenofonte wrote that “kolxetis wine is amazing and it’s delightful smell”. According to Stabon grapes are widely spread around Iberia and it’s characterized by harvest.
Prokopi Kesarieli is saying that mesxs are really hard working people, they have a lot of gardens and they have their own wine to sell to their neighboring countries. this is really important to know because, it can be seen that old Mexican had a great relationship with other neighboring countries and they exported their own products.
wine is a really hard liquid to carry around and if its treated badly or kept badly it can be easily ruined. And after this fact,it is no wonder that,they are kept in a thermo wine barrel where it is easily exported to another countries.
sharden says about Georgian wine that it is hard to imagine a better wine than this. shardens rating is more important because he is from a really great rating wine country, France.
In the latest centuries it is mostly important Vaxushti Bagrationis “geography” where it is shown other Georgian gardening and wining in other areas and e.c.t. Zaza Fanaskertel Zizishivil-, I see a lot of medicine of wine in karabandi which needs to mix in the water. there is no such thing as saving some medicine for people there is also shown a wine into vinegar. there are two methods about making a wine, other than that there are different methods of making wine in differnt places in georgia there are using kaxuri and europian ways of making wine, they are also considering some climate condition, and their making chemichal mixture and effects other factor like influence of boiling pot influenc of boiling temoerature.
1.Ethanol – ( ROH ) wine comprises 8 – 17 % of ethyl alcohol . It gives wine warmth , strenght and softness. Drinks that have low cocentraton of alcohol are easily inflammable.
2.Phenol – we come across to it in the same form as in grapes . Phenol admixtures raise the velvety in wine. It significantly infuences the colour and taste of the wine.
3.Organic acids – (RCOOH ) organic acids in wine are presented freely or as salt and they provide the stabilisation and sour taste of the wine.
4.Albumen – In red wine the biggest part of grape albumen is precipitated by the interaction of tannins although in white wine albumen is presented with bigger amount. They cause wine to tier up.
5. Carbohydrates – sugar and hexosans . We can determine the type of the wine by the content of sugar in it. Highcontentment of sugar is the indicator of the qality of wine . We come across to pectics as heels tranfered from tracle .
6. Carbon dioxide – by the end of biochemical reorganizing the wine is blended with carbon dioxide over time it’s content decreases.
7. Fragnart substances – The aromat of wine represents many diferent harmonius coupaged flavours of the nature.
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