‫الرئيسية‬ From India 🇮🇳 Dr Ashish Gajbhiye appointed as global advisor in United nation
From India 🇮🇳 - 15 ديسمبر، 2022

Dr Ashish Gajbhiye appointed as global advisor in United nation


PROF.DR.ASHISH GAJBHIYE APPOINTED AS GLOBAL ADVISOR FOR UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATION. Eminent Professor, Distinguished Leader in Health Care,Global educator,Human rights activist, Global peace Ambassador, Philosopher, Social Worker and Legend in public health Administration Prof .Dr.Ashish Gajbhiye has been appointed as an global advisor by the Chairman Dashamanya Dr.Namal Jeewandra and Secretary general AMB.Dr.B.M.Uwais of the United Nations Human rights organization . Prof .Dr.Gajbhiye is the Multi-iconic personality and the Legend in the field of Hospital and Health Administration.

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مكتب الكويت / فعاليات اهلا فبراير في المقهى الشعبي بالجهراء

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