‫الرئيسية‬ Around the world Future education by kaushaki sondhi from Agrak
Around the world - From Agra - تعليم - 11 نوفمبر، 2022

Future education by kaushaki sondhi from Agrak

Future of education by kaushaki sondhi from Agra



*Future of education*

Today we will understand “What will be the future of education”

by Kaushaki Sondhi from Agra.

He is on the Advisory Board of several Universities and Schools, Transformation Advisor to NITI Aayog, Principal and International Public Speaker. She shares her vision of what the education of the future will be. she says,
The concept where the teacher stood and explained the concept is an older version. Now students are co-creators as they learn to explore new areas of learning through research. Beyond the walls of the classroom, students now engage in collaboration, networking, assessment and teamwork. Now it is not just limited to hybrid learning but the education of the extended future will float in highflex learning. Hiflex where the endless limits of learning with the touch of a button and similar based approach and design thinking. More creative impression of imagination by virtual reality approach. Grading is a waste of time, hard skills will be part of the assessment, not the judgement. It is our duty to empower students by taking risks of innovations and personal learning by collecting data and sharing ideas and raw data collection by conceptualizing human libraries of outreach programs. Experiential learning and analytical learning approach are the future aspects of education. We need to understand that not dividing the learning from different disciplines but going into the holistic and real world by event based learning, which emphasizes on soft skills, is the future concept of study. Finland which has one of the world’s successful education models adopts event based learning where teachers are the sages on stage which means they learn alongside students to expand their horizons. Technology like smart board etc has created integrated structured curriculum but in coming time it is possible only with the collaboration of resource person, as we lack to provide STEM and AI approach to the students.

“Without data, you’re just a random person with an opinion….
– So expand your scope of exposure through research, without knowing what you’re doing and when you don’t know, that’s the point of swatting amazingly unfathomable and innumerable”
-Kaushki Sondhi

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