‫الرئيسية‬ The new appointment/English How does culture contribute to development?!

How does culture contribute to development?!



How does culture contribute to development?

Kef/ Bacem SENDI

A new vision for culture? Integrity, direction and



Culture is playing a significant role in the modern economy of nations .It represents a core sector that contributes to the sustainability and prosperity of community. One of the most important features of cultural activities are festivals and creative events. During last decades hosting festivals is well spread all around the world, each community strives to promote its history, patrimony and arts through these festivities that take different ways and features. Many festivals have succeeded to transform local economy and social inclusion of the host cities; they help these communities to generate new income and reap tremendous revenues which will be used later to boost infrastructures and improve public services
Festivals are emerging worldwide as vibrant activities, innovative sectors and creative industries. They are seen to have highly important economic and social impacts on the host community. Interestingly, through culture, art, and festivity, cultural events and creative festivals can transform local economies in various ways; they boost the attractiveness of hosting areas as destinations to visit, to live and invest in.
Consequently, advanced levels of cultural engagement have positive impacts on well-being and health and enhance social inclusion by encouraging both the integration and inclusion cohesion of the marginalized groups.
Festivals integrate people and establish new networks among them because they induce commonly shared experiences, and encourage a feeling of excitement and pleasure.
Thus, event managers should invest in measuring the social impacts of their events on the host community by taking such a step they will highlight the importance of their event to the broader tourism development process.
Today, there is a considerable interest for any kind of festival and cultural event. However, inside Tunisia there is a paucity of studies which focus on the economic and social impacts of staging international festivals; it is true that there is a large number of festivals in Tunisia, and in all countries around the world that help to increase local business and facilitate the development of the social capital within the host community, but there is still limited understanding of how hosting an international festival can transform local development.


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