‫الرئيسية‬ Around the world Pakistan / Kashmir and palestine had been abondoneted by Islamic kings

Pakistan / Kashmir and palestine had been abondoneted by Islamic kings

Pakistan /Kashmir  /Dr muhammad tahir


Kashmiri scholar and columnist Dr Muhammad Tahir Tabassum President eminent think tank Institute of Peace and développent INSPAD


Kashmir and Palestine have been abandoned by the kings of Islamic countries due to greed for power and wealth and economy. India and Israel are blindly obeying while the master of these two terrorist countries is America.
He wants to make India and Israel the chiefs of South Asia and the Middle East. Muslims must unite under the banner of Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and other like-minded countries to stop the massacres in Kashmir and Palestine, Syria and Afghanistan and to end human rights and reorganize for their rights. The United Nation and OIC is a subsidiary of USA and Saudi Arabia. Muslims should contact European, African and other nations in order to save Muslims, otherwise there is a need to create a separate international body consisting of Islamic countries.
Islamic states and kings who are not helping the people of Kashmir and Palestine in this difficult time should be socially boycotted.

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