‫الرئيسية‬ From India 🇮🇳 From 🇮🇳 India prof/Ashish gajbhiye conferred by honorary doctorate in Medecin
From India 🇮🇳 - 22 يناير، 2023

From 🇮🇳 India prof/Ashish gajbhiye conferred by honorary doctorate in Medecin

From 🇮🇳 India prof/Ashish gajbhiye confereed by honotary doctorate in Medecin



PROF ASHISH GAJBHIYE CONFERRED THE HONORARY DOCTORATE IN MEDICINE. Stalwart in Hospital Health Care Management, Distinguished Professor of Health Policy ,Leader in Hospital Administration Prof. Dr.Ashish Gajbhiye has been Conferred the Honorary Doctorate Degree of Medicine by the President of Prof Dr.Fahd Alsani of The Syrian Egyptian Arab university of international Culture, Science,Arts and Literature. Prof.Dr.Ashish Gajbhiye is well known for his Extraordinary and Outstanding contributions in the field of Public health Services.





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