From India 🇮🇳 Dr Ashish Gajbhiye has been appointed as global chancellor
PROF.DR. ASHISH GAJBHIYE HAS BEEN APPOINTED AS GLOBAL CHANCELLOR. Eminent Distinguished professor of Hospital and Health Administration, Global educator,, Multiple times World Record Holder and Legend of Hospital Administration Prof. Dr. Ashish Gajbhiye has been appointed as Global Chancellor by the founder Chancellor Archbishop Prof Dr Ade Harold of Good Samaritan theological seminary Nigeria. Prof Dr Ashish Gajbhiye has been appointed as an global advisor by the Chancellor Bishop Prof Dr.Ehnomen Okosun of higherLand of grace theological College Nigeria. Prof.Dr.Ashish Gajbhiye is famous for his Extraordinary and Outstanding contributions in the field of Public health Administration and Education.
رياضة الموعد الجديد العالمية / رسميا الخطيب خارج النادي الأهلي
مكتب تونس / منابعة أشرف علي رسميا الخطيب خارج النادي الاهلي 🚨🚨🚨 أعلن الكابتن محمود الخطيب…