From India 🇮🇳 Dr Ashish gajbhiye the mostly awarded doctor in the world
The new appointment magazine world
EMINENT PROF. DR.ASHISH GAJBHIYE CONFERRED WITH HONORARY DOCTORATE OF SCIENCE. Eminent Professor of Hospital and Health Administration, Multiple times World Record Holder, An Legend of Public health Administration and global Leader of Public health Prof. Dr.Ashish Gajbhiye Conferred with the Honorary Doctorate of Science by the Chairman and board of Directors of the Magazine for international Poetry and Literature knights of World , Egypt for his Extraordinary, Meritorious work and Outstanding contributions in the field of Public health Administration and Life saving work in global pandemic. Prof .Dr. Ashish Gajbhiye is well known for his Extraordinary Life Saving work for humanity. 1)Prof.Dr. Ashish Gajbhiye was a Principal in accredited college and trained thousands of paramedics and health care professional across the India. 2)Prof Dr.Ashish Gajbhiye is the most educated Doctor in India with 31 world records on his name. 3)An achiever of highest number of honorary doctorates in Hospital and Health Management in the world. 4)An achiever of 100 plus Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees from Accredited universities of the world. 5)An achiever of highest number of Traning certificate of Achievements in the world by the World health organization. 6)He Holds the Higher position in private sector like CEO in Multispeciality Hospitals at mumbai. 7)He Holds the Higher positions in government Sector like State programme officer, District hospital Administrator, Medical officer. 😎 He hold the positions of honorary Chancellor, Rector, Dean ,Professor at various international organizations and Universities. 9)He Holds the position of international advisor of 4 universities. 10)He has been learning since for last 30 years and achieved hundreds of awards for his Extraordinary Contributions in the field of Public health. Prof.Dr.Gajbhiye has been treated thousands of patients with 24 hours of services to humanity with free Consultation in Covid 19 pandemic in india. Prof.Dr. Ashish Gajbhiye had been work 24 hours , 12 hours day services at government Covid 19 centre and 12 hours of services at his own Clinic with free Consultation for 3 years. Prof. Dr.Ashish Gajbhiye is an inspiration for younger health care professional across the world.
مكتب الكويت / فعاليات اهلا فبراير في المقهى الشعبي بالجهراء
مكتب الكويت كتب دكتور عابدين البرادعي فعاليات هلا فبراير الخير من المقهى الشعبي بالجهراء …