‫الرئيسية‬ From Indonesia 🇮🇩 How should innovative curriculums encourage students ?! from Indonesia 🇮🇩
From Indonesia 🇮🇩 - 11 نوفمبر، 2022

How should innovative curriculums encourage students ?! from Indonesia 🇮🇩


From Indonesia 🇮🇩




Name : Dr. Rukminingsih, S.S., M.Pd.
Designation: a lecturer of an English Language Education Department
Institution: STKIP PGRI Jombang
City : Jomban

Country : Indonesia


How Should Innovative Curriculums Encourage Students’ Transferable Skill Based on UNICEF Framework?
Dr. Rukminingsih , S.S., M.Pd.

The innovative curriculum is expected to be able to answer the problem of unemployment among bachelor graduates has recently emerged as a major concern especially in developing country. To address the country’s unemployment problem, graduates must improve their competence, including some skills, in order to be better prepared to have jobs. Skills are learned abilities that are multidimensional in nature. Because the skills development system is not distinct or separate from the education system, we must take a systemic approach to understanding them as parts of the same ecosystem. According to UNICEF’s skills framework, there are three main categories: basic skills, job-specific (technical) skills and transferable skills. Transferable skills, also known as transferable skills. Building transferable skills, students will have skills such as (1) team work. Work viably in a gather or group to attain objectives, (2) Leadership appears activity and leadership activities, (3) Individual motivation, organization and time management, (4) Written communication (5) Verbal communication (6) Investigate and (7) Analytical skills.
To meet the demands, current changes   have to be connect and coordinate with the world of business and industry, and to make students ready to face the global issues within the world of work, universities are required   to plan and actualize innovative learning so students can get learning outcome with the attitudes, information and skills ideally. Transferable skills are important in their own right as well as helping learn other skills for the future, so these must be a crucial part of any course curriculum. It is important to integrate some of the key transferable skills mentioned such as communication skills, language skills, creativity, negotiation skills, and decision making skills to ensure that they are taught to children and adolescents. When developing a curriculum for transferable skills, attention must also be given to the teaching pedagogy and the assessment of these skills.





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