‫الرئيسية‬ From India 🇮🇳 From India Dr Ashish gajbhiy’s contributions in the field of education
From India 🇮🇳 - 6 نوفمبر، 2022

From India Dr Ashish gajbhiy’s contributions in the field of education

The new appointment magazine world



DR.ASHISH GAJBHIYE’S CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION *100 Plus Certificates, Diplomas from 30 accredited Universities of the India, United Kingdom, United States of America and Germany. *107 Certificate of Achievements and Certificate of Records by World health organization. *World Records with different 31 Book of Records. *An Achiever’s of 80 plus Covid 19 champion Certificates or Honours. *He is an Ambassador of Health and peace with over 25 international and national organizations. *300 Plus Awards in Last 14 years. *An Receiver of Most Honorary Doctorates in the field of Public health and Hospital Administration. *He was a principal and Professor and trained thousands of students in the State of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra in India. *He is an Certified trainer for Post graduate health Care Professional Trainees by the Mohammad Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences,Dubai. *He had worked with Several State governments with the position of State programme officer, District Quality cum hospital manager, Medical officer. *He has Also worked with Private Organizations with position of Chief Executive Officer. *Global Educational Legend Award 2022 by the Light House Leadership University, Nigeria. *Dr.Sarvepalli Radha krishnan best Doctor Award by Global Human rights foundation. * Dr.A.P.G.Abdulkalam Science Award and Mahatma Phule National Educational Honour Award. *Global teacher award by WAC people foundation.

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