‫الرئيسية‬ Around the world De/Ashish gajbhiye selected for 100powerful personalities 2022by glantor x media
Around the world - From India 🇮🇳 - 27 سبتمبر، 2022

De/Ashish gajbhiye selected for 100powerful personalities 2022by glantor x media

The new appointment magazine world

DR.ASHISH GAJBHIYE SELECTED FOR 100 POWERFUL PERSONALITIES 2022 BY GLANTOR X MEDIA. Eminent Health Care Professional of india , Multiple times World Record Holder,Covid -19 Champion and Professor Dr.Ashish Gajbhiye have been Selected as one of the most 100 powerful personalities 2022 by Leading Research and News Company Called GLANTOR X. Dr.Ashish Gajbhiye was recognized for his extraordinary Contributions in the global pandemic of covid-19 as a international life Saviour doctor.

‫شاهد أيضًا‬

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