الرئيسية Around the world From India//dr ashish gajbhiye is a Living legend in hospital and health care
From India//dr ashish gajbhiye is a Living legend in hospital and health care
The new appointment magazine world
DR.ASHISH becomes Honorary Professor of Hospital and health Management by Chancellor of the international open University Humanity and health sciences at California. Eminent Health Care Professional of India Prof.Dr.Ashish Gajbhiye has been appointment as a Honorary Professor of Hospital and health Management by the Honourable Chancellor of the international open University Humanity Health Sciences and peace at California.Dr.gajbhiye shall be given a special Lectures to post graduate students of America through online for the period of 2022-2023.Dr.Ashish Gajbhiye was a principal in many colleges at India and he was trained thousands of health professionals across India.Dr.Gajbhiye is a Living Legend in Hospital and Health Care.
Wait next Time doctor ashish will guess to us his interesting experience in the world 🌎 of
All over the world Hospitals
ترامب وجنون العظمة : التهجير والسيطرة على غزة بين استراتيجية الضغط و الالهاء وتسليط الأضواء
*ترامب وجنون العظمة: التهجير والسيطرة على غزة بين استراتيجية الضغط والإلهاء وتسليط الأضواء…