‫الرئيسية‬ Around the world New Tunisia 🇹🇳 with a responsible citizenship

New Tunisia 🇹🇳 with a responsible citizenship



For a better Tunisia: Why not?

Written By Bacem SENDI

New Tunisia with a responsible citizenship.

Tunisia has set ambitious goals; to promote and enhance smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, to find better pathways to create new jobs and to offer a sense of direction to our society.
This challenge requires significant strengthening of our innovation capacity and our knowledge and our creative capability as drivers for future growth.
As the world becomes more competitive and more inter-connected and as research, innovation and technological know-how expands, new opportunities along with more complex societal and economic challenges arise.
Overcoming these challenges will require all citizens to have a better understanding of science and technology if they are to participate actively and responsibly in science-informed decision-making and knowledge-based innovation.
It will involve inpout from user groups, specialists and stakeholder groups. Researchers, professionals, enterprise and industry have an important role to perform. In this way, everybody learns and benefits from the involvement.
At the moment, Tunisia faces a shortfall in science-knowledgeable people at all levels of society and the economy. Over the few last decades, there has been an increase in the numbers of students leaving formal education with science qualifications. But, there has not been a parallel rise in the numbers interested in pursuing science related careers nor have we witnessed enhanced science-based innovation or any increase in entrepreneurship.
Education, innovation and practices must become more responsive to the needs and ambitions of society and reflects its values.
They should reflect the science that citizens and society need and support people of all ages and talent in developing positive attitudes to science.
We must find better ways to nurture the curiosity and cognitive resources of kids. We need to lift up our educational process to better equip future researchers and other actors with the necessary knowledge, sense of societal responsibility and motivation to participate actively in the innovation process.

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